Paris Isn’t Free: CNN’s Comments “Condescending” & “Hypocritical”

By Brian 

“CNN anchors should STOP their mocking coverage of the Paris Hilton saga,” an e-mailer says. “Either play the story straight or don’t play it all (as NBC Nightly News chose to do). CNN’s seemingly uniform disdain for the story is not only condescending to interested viewers but also hypocritical since the network is devoting so much airtime to the story.”

A good example happened around 2:45pm when T.J. Holmes and Betty Nguyen read some viewer e-mails.

“We’re not sure what upsets you more, Paris getting out of jail or the fact that we’re even covering this story. Sometimes, yes, we scratch our heads about it, too,” Nguyen said.

One of the e-mailers wrote: “Get over yourselves and stop making a fool of this ridiculous person and yourselves.”

We’re “just doing our jobs, just doing what we’re told,” Nguyen responded…
