O’Reilly On Olbermann: “We Should Call These People Out…” But Not By Name?

By Brian 

Last night on the Factor, Bill O’Reilly and Geraldo Rivera‘s conversation about Mel Gibson took a strange turn toward Keith Olbermann (even though his name was never uttered). O’Reilly started talking about “media vampires” and “smear merchants.” Geraldo dismissed it at first — “They mean nothing. They can’t even get a rating!” — and O’Reilly responded: “They mean nothing…but there’s a powerful corporation behind them.” It continued:

  O’REILLY: I think we should call these people out. I think we should call these people out!

GERALDO: Well then call them by name then.

O’REILLY: Nah. Because then you give ’em more publicity.

GERALDO: Then just say, it’s that schmuck from MSNBC who’s doing it, and call him that.

O’REILLY: You go after the masters.

GERALDO: He’s a low-life–

O’REILLY: It’s like going after the rappers. You don’t go after the rappers, you go after the masters.

…And then they went back to Mel Gibson. Washington Fix and Johnny Dollar have the video…

> Update: 10:10am: “Kudos to O’Reilly for not using Olbermann’s name, even after the MSNBC [host] insulted him and the Jewish people by making a Nazi salute on-stage.” (Olbermann has said the gesture was a reference to Malmedy.)
