O’Reilly & Letterman Find Something To Agree On (Barely)

By Brian 

Bill O’Reilly and David Letterman disagreed about everything else on last night’s Late Show, but they did find a little bit of common ground: “Support the troops.” It came during their conversation about Cindy Sheehan:

  O’REILLY: This is important. Cindy Sheehan lost a son, professional soldier in Iraq. Correct? She’s allowed to grieve any way she wants. She has the right to say whatever she wants. When she says to the public that the insurgents and terrorists are freedom fighters, how do you think, David Letterman, that makes people who lost loved ones by these people blowing the hell out of them, how do you think they feel, what about their feelings?

LETTERMAN: What about, why are we there in the first place? The President himself said less than a month ago said we are there because of a mistake made in intelligence. Well, whose intelligence? Somebody got off a bus and handed it to him? It’s the intelligence gathered by his administration. So why are we there in the first place. I agree with you. We have to support the troops, they’re there. They’re the best and the brightest of this country. And I also agree, now that we’re in it, it’s going to take a long time. People who expected it to be solved or wrapped up in a couple of years…unrealistic. It’s not going to happen. However, however, that doesn’t eliminate the legitimate speculation and concern and questioning when they hell are we there to begin with.

TV Squad and Newsmax have posted recaps of the duel. Crooks & Liars has video…
