NYTimes Media Desk is Subject of Documentary

By Chris Ariens 

Filmmaker Andrew Rossi has been documenting the inner workings of the New York Times media desk for a project that could end up on HBO.

Rossi tells The New York Observer‘s John Koblin, “I think that these writers have something invested in their stories that is sort of unique compared to what it would have been like five years ago.”

The project began with a focus on David Carr but now includes other reporters, including the founder of the blog you are reading right now, Brian Stelter. “He watches me edit, watches me write, watches me write emails, watches me tweet, watches me do interviews,” said Stelter. “There are some days that are going to be more exciting.”


Rossi hopes to document the work of the entire media desk over the next few months, but told Koblin the project is in the early stages and and could expand, or not be competed at all.
