Not ‘Connected’ To An Audience

By Brian 

MSNBC’s two-timing daytime talk show Connected: Coast to Coast is having a tough time gaining traction. The show tanked on its premiere Tuesday, averaging a 0.1 in both the 12 and 5pm time slots. The show is down more than 50% across the board, compared to MSNBC’s January ’05 average in the timeslot. Check out these #s:

12 to 1pm: 0.1 / 61,000 P2+ viewers / 30,000 P25-54

Vs. Jan. 05 avg: 0.2 / 151,000 P2+ viewers / 61,000 P25-54

5 to 6pm: 0.1 / 129,000 P2+ viewers / 20,000 P25-54

Vs. Jan. 05 avg: 0.2 / 194,000 P2+ viewers / 55,000 P25-54

“Coast To Coast should be called scratch to scratch,” an insider remarked today. MSNBC is said to be committed to Connected for the long run though; Kaplan is expected to give the program (and others on MSNBC) time to develop.
