Network News Elections

By Brian 

It’s time to start electing network news anchors, William Powers declares in his latest column. After all, “they’re our anchors, and it’s time we started choosing them in a truly democratic way, through free and fair popular elections,” he says.

After listing five reasons for it, he adds: “It would also be massive fun. The electoral process might mimic real political elections. Once an opening occurred, the nets would announce the start of primary season, at which point anyone in public life could nominate him- or herself. And many would. Arianna Huffington, for example, would almost certainly place her name in nomination for any open position. Interesting TV used-to-be’s and also-rans like Connie Chung and Phil Donahue might pop up and give it a shot. Heck, Walter Cronkite might come out of retirement and throw his hat in the ring. Imagine the excitement.” More…
