NAB/RTNDA: Radio & TV “Are Instruments Of Information” –Brokaw

By Brian 

TVNewser NAB blogger Simon Marks transcribes (with a photo from Lost Remote:

“Accepting the Distinguished Service Award, Tom Brokaw recalled his grandfather’s acquisition in the 1920s of his first radio on his farm in the Great Plains.

‘He was a citizen of the world because of what was brought to him every night in that primitive famhouse there in the harsh environment of the Great Plains,’ Brokaw said.

More: ‘Radio and TV have taken us through so much profound change…they have been instruments of entertainment and distraction and commerce, but at their foundation they are instruments of information, of news. Now our universe is expanding again…at warp speed. We have high def and low brow, satellite and cable….PDAs and cellphones, but those are merely tools that are an extension of our business plans and our hearts and minds. No matter how much our business changes there will be no delete button for hate…no cut and paste for poverty, no help button for natural disasters.’

‘The world has gotten so much smaller, the need for information has gotten so much greater.'”
