‘Morning Joe Isn’t Morning Joe, It’s Morning Trump’

By Mark Joyella 

When Republicans gather to debate on Fox Business Network tonight, Jim Gilmore will not be onstage–not during the undercard debate at 7 p.m. ET, or the main event starting at 9. And he’s blaming both the Republican National Committee and the national media for that.

“I’m not some weirdo that’s out here just kinda running crazy, I’m the former governor of the state of Virginia,” he said in a radio interview, BuzzFeed reports. “I’m the former chairman of the Republican National Committee.”

Gilmore accused the media and the RNC of having “a devil’s conspiracy,” with the Republicans eager to reduce the size of the field of candidates, and the media seeking to drive up ratings and sell ad time.


Gilmore says the result is he’s fighting just to let people know he’s running. “I have people in New Hampshire say, ‘Well, gee, I didn’t know you were running,’ well that’s right because Morning Joe isn’t Morning Joe, it’s Morning Trump.”
