Michael Wolff Tackles CNN’s CEO Search

By Alex Weprin 

Gary Ginsberg

Michael Wolff takes to USA Today to write about CNN’s search for a new CEO. He trots out a number of familiar names, but buries who he thinks the next CEO will be at the very end of his item.

Sure, people make fun of CNN, but it makes money, doesn’t it? So all we really have is a PR problem.

In that case, there is Gary Ginsberg, Time Warner’s vaunted PR chief, formerly Rupert Murdoch’s consigliere, who has long wanted to leave the corporate office and run an operating company. Ginsberg isn’t a television guy. He’s a brilliant and powerful corporate smoother and handler.


That’s how you manage the unmanageable.

Life is just too short to remake cable news.

Wolff also talks about the often rumored names of Jeff Zucker, Mark Whitaker and Phil Griffin. While Ginsburg may seem an odd choice, NBCUniversal recently placed an executive’s executive in charge of NBC News, CNBC and MSNBC, so there is some precedent for it.
