Meet the Promotion With Tim Russert

By Brian 

Meet the Press may have reached new levels of flackery last Sunday. James Carville, Mary Matalin and Paul Begala appeared to promote their latest gigs, as Arianna Huffington helpfully explains:

  James and Mary, plus their straight man Paul Begala, were on to promote Carville and Begala’s new book Take It Back: Our Party, Our Country, Our Future — which, I’m sure to their publisher’s immense satisfaction, was mentioned 12 times in the course of the show.

But what made this appearance extra-special is how it was so luckily timed to coincide with Carville’s upcoming gig as the host of a sports show on XM satellite radio.

And what made it all even more special is the relationship of Carville’s radio co-host to Meet the Press’s host…

…As announced earlier this week, Carville is hosting a weekly show with Tim’s son Luke Russert.

> Public Eye asks: “Does it surprise anyone else that people in power in Washington aren’t even really trying to conceal the coziness of their relationships anymore?”
