Matthews’ “Criminality” Comment: FNC Debates

By Chris Ariens 

Chris Matthewscomments at Hardball’s 10th anniversary party last night have become fodder for FNC this afternoon.

During the Live Desk, Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson said Matthews has “forgotten he’s not in some Capitol Hill barroom, talking about ‘criminality’ in the White House.”

Host Martha MacCallum asked, “do you think it’s right for him to level charges of ‘criminality’ against at the White House when he’s about to do a debate.” Democratic strategist Jehmu Greene responded, “I don’t think it’s a problem for Chris Matthews to be hosting the debate, because all of the Republican candidates right now are running away from Bush.”


But Ann Coulter got in the last shot: “The point is more people watch Martha. Why aren’t you hosting a debate?” Ouch!
