Katrina: Williams Unable “To Express The Full Magnitude Of The Suffering Or Loss”

By Brian 

Brian WilliamsDaily Nightly blog post didn’t get online until after the evening news today. “Forgive my lack of postings…we have very limited ability here,” he explains. “No one in New Orleans has a source of power or food or water or gasoline. At least we have the very best equipment and crews…but satellite telephone time is expensive and my online work has had to suffer as a result. We will do our very best to continue covering this story, while we may never be able to express the full magnitude of the suffering or loss.”

Williams is transmitting via the Bloommobile satellite truck. Their other truck was disabled earlier today; it ran over debris in the water which punctured its fuel tank and tires.

> “There were scenes here in New Orleans that look like they are from another land entirely. Civil behavior has been suspended,” Williams said on NN…
