Katrina: CNN Live Overnight

By Brian 

Primetime and overnight coverage plans:

> FNC: Shep Smith co-anchored The Fox Report with Jane Skinner. Bill O’Reilly flew back early from vacation to host a live Factor. H&C at 9; Greta hosted three hours of live coverage until 1am. FNC is in tape from 1 to 5am, but with live updates and cut-ins. Fox & Friends will begin an hour early.

> CNN: Anderson Cooper was live from the storm-struck region at 7pm. A two-hour edition of NewsNight aired from 10pm to midnight. The network plans “special coverage” from midnight to 5am, presumably live…

> MSNBC: Relied on its usual primetime lineup. (Any details? Drop ’em in the tip box.)

“It’s sad, really, to see Scarborough, Grace, Hannity and/or Colmes try to do something they just don’t know how to do: report,” an e-mailer comments…
