Katie Couric Walks into CNN Live Shot After WH Lunch

By kevin 

Awaiting President Obama‘s State of the Union, CNN White House Correspondent Ed Henry kept himself entertained between reporting today by ambush-interviewing Wolf Blitzer and John King as they came out of their off-the-record lunch with the president. He also spoke to CBS’ Bob Schieffer and NBC’s Brian Williams.

But maybe the most amusing moment in this clip is when CBS’ Katie Couric walks into the briefing room as Henry is reporting live during “CNN Newsroom.”

Couric was there interviewing White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who’ll be on CBS and ABC tonight, but not, we hear, NBC.


Related: Fox News’ Shepard Smith says he sat next to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews at the lunch and there were “no tingles that I know of.”
