John Stossel Hosts Tonight’s Libertarian Forum

By A.J. Katz 

You’ve heard from the Republicans and the Democrats, perhaps ad nauseam, but how about the Libertarians? Fox Business Network’s John Stossel will host Part II of the Libertarian Forum amongst the three leading candidates: New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, technology entrepreneur John McAfee, and Libertarian Republic founder Austin Petersen.

Before Part I aired last Friday we asked Stossel what he’d like viewers to take away: “I want the viewer to have a greater understanding about the importance of liberty and limited government and the damage done by giant government,” he said.

The forum will air on FBN tonight at 9 p.m. ET and will feature questions from Fox News personalities Bill O’Reilly, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, Juan Williams, Judge Andrew Napolitano, and personalities from Fox Business Network. If you’re interested in hearing another perspective, tune into tonight’s forum.

