It’s Sally Kohn Day in Allentown

By Chris Ariens 

The mayor of Allentown, PA has presented political pundit Sally Kohn — “a resident of our area who has become renowned far beyond the borders of this community” — her own day. That day, today, Dec. 4 was actually declared Sally Kohn day last December, but we’re pretty sure once you get a day in Allentown, it’s always your day in Allentown.

Anyway, Kohn did a Q&A with the TED blog about her move from being Fox News’s progressive talking head, to a free agent. She has appeared on MSNBC four times in the past week, and not at all on Fox. Still, the move from FNC was amicable, both sides say.

Of her appearances on a network that more closely espouses her personal political beliefs, Kohn says, “When I’m on MSNBC, I want to be modeling the tone that I think all liberals should take — call it sharp-elbowed civility or disagreeing without being disagreeable. Everything that’s embodied by ’emotional correctness.’ We all need to do it more, myself included. So whether I’m talking about Obamacare to an audience that loves it or hates it, I’m still practicing my own emotional correctness.”


(h/t J$P)
