Is a Peacock Going To The Top Of 30 Rock?

By Alex Weprin 

When Comcast acquired all of NBCUniversal from General Electric in February, it also acquired the naming rights to 30 Rockefeller Plaza, currently known as the GE Building.

So far, Comcast and NBC have been mum about a new name, and the GE logo still adorns the side of the tower.

A trailer for a new show, however, suggests that an NBC Peacock may be coming soon to the top of “30 Rock.” The peacock is now also on Comcast’s corporate logo.


The show is the “Million Second Quiz,” a competition show that will air live from New York City for 12 consecutive days later this Fall. The trailer shows a helicopter flying over the top of a building that looks somewhat like 30 Rock, with an NBC peacock prominently placed, and no GE logo to be seen. It is computer generated, but still certainly has an air of legitimacy to it.

Update: It is not computer generated, but rather a shot of the NBC tower in Chicago, which does have the peacock on it, cleverly cut into shots of New York City. Still, would make some sense wouldn’t it?
