Inside The Fox News Upfront Presentation

By Brian 

Claire Atkinson takes readers include an upfront presentation by Fox News. Four executives are pitching to media agency PHD. An interesting excerpt:

 No one can blame a cable channel for portraying itself in the best possible light, but as Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly might say, “The spin stops here.” Some PHD executives are reluctant to accept some of the arguments made, particularly since figures are from the fourth quarter 2004, which included the presidential election, a particularly good time for the channel…

[FNC senior VP of national ad sales Paul] Rittenberg disputes spinning the numbers. “We’re fortunate that most of the information shows us in a good light. No one’s saying our numbers suck,” he says, adding that first quarter 2005 also compares favorably with first quarter 2004.

Check out the rest…
