How Bradley’s Death Has Affected 60 Min.

By Brian 

In an interview with Steve Kroft, Public Eye asks about the mood at 60 Minutes since Ed Bradley‘s death and whether the workload has increased. His response:

  “I don’t want to say that the workload has increased that much – it certainly has increased a lot, it hasn’t increased that much for me. I know it’s increased for Scott Pelley and Bob Simon, who were originally going to be doing 10 or 12 pieces and now are doing considerably more.

I think that, yeah, it has changed. It’s hard to say how. I think it’s definitely changed things for Ed’s producers. We have always worked up here, the correspondents, with our own teams, sort of as individual production companies, and there has been very little byplay between the correspondents on this show. We miss Ed’s talents and collegiality and the great stories that he would have done this year that we haven’t had. And I think it’s been very difficult on his team. I think everybody right now is just working really hard and trying to get through the season. We went through a very tough month leading up to his death and immediately after, and since then we’ve just been working hard and trying to get through.”
