Hemmer Hosting From Camp Fallujah

By Brian 

On the third anniversary of the Iraq war, Fox News Channel is emphasizing the troops. After several hours of remote controlling, I think it’s safe to say that FNC is spending more time talking about, and talking to, U.S. troops than CNN or MSNBC is. The point is clear: For the military, the anniversary is just another day in the desert.

Bill Hemmer hosted Fox News Live from Camp Fallujah today. “132,000 American men and women live here,” so we came to answer one question: “How are they doing?,” he said. Hemmer said “these me and women are working their tails off,” and told a general that “I am quite impressed with the level of morale here.” Hemmer is blogging about his trip here.

Also, correspondent Andrew Stack interviewed troops at Camp Victory this morning…
