‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Inspired by ABC News’ ‘Boston Med’

By Chris Ariens 

EW.com’s Michael Ausiello writes about tonight’s episode of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy” which was inspired by ABC News’ summer docudrama “Boston Med.” Tonight’s “Grey’s” features a documentary crew talking with the fictitious doctors of Seattle Grace about the hospital shooting spree that occurred at the end of last season.

[Show creator Shonda] Rhimes has long toyed with the notion of doing a docu-style installment, but it was coexecutive producer Stacy McKee — this week’s scribe — who figured out how best to execute it. “Stacy was obsessed with Boston Med,” notes Rhimes. “So she came in one day after watching an episode and said, ‘I think I have it! I figured out how we can do our own version of that.’ And we used the shooting as our jumping-off point.”
