Good Morning America “Gets It Done” In Robin Roberts’ Hometown

By Brian 

Good Morning America has launched “GMA Gets It Done,” a year-long effort to help rebuild Pass Christian, Mississippi, where co-host Robin Roberts grew up. She appeared on Tuesday’s Larry King Live and talked about it:

“And you said it, it’s a charming, charming town of about 6,000 in Pass Christian. Eight percent of that town, Larry, gone. The high school where I went to no longer exists so, yes, we’re going to have a year initiative with Good Morning America to help the Pass because that’s what we affectionately call it here in the area, the Pass get back on its feet. We had some supplies that were delivered today. You should have seen those eyes light up to see the school supplies. Our goal is — our immediate goal is in the next two weeks to get the school up and running and get the kids back in school.”

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