Fox’s Morning Show: Notes & Quotes

By Brian 

> Chicago Tribune: “Mindful that midmorning is just the start of prime time on the Internet, and that News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch’s ambition is to expand his media empire through the Web, the online interactive element of the show is not to be underestimated. ‘Maybe that’s how we make ourselves a little bit different,’ Swanson said….”

> MediaPost: “Perhaps five years ago, this would have been a good move for Fox. But in 2006, is it too little too late in programming early?…”

> TV Squad: “This flashes me back to the days when FOX actually did have a morning show. When they took Breakfast Time from FX, changed it to FOX After Breakfast, destroyed it, and then changed it into the Vicki Lawrence Show. Ugh. What a sad end to one of the great morning shows in history…”
