Fox News’ Trey Yingst Sprints to Report From Israeli Building Hit by Rocket

By A.J. Katz 

Five years into his Fox News tenure, Trey Yingst is no stranger to covering Middle East conflict from the ground.

And now, the Jerusalem-based correspondent in the midst of covering Israel’s new war with militant organization Hamas.

The fighting in Israel has persisted more than three days after the Hamas terrorists breached the border from Gaza in a surprise, horrific attack on Israeli citizens. Government officials say the death toll in Israel has bypassed 800 as of Monday.


Additionally, at least 600 Palestinian civilians living in Gaza have been killed as a result of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) counterattack, per reports.

As for Yingst, he’s reporting from Yashdod, a city in southern Israel located 15-20 miles north of the Israel-Gaza border, on Monday.

During a report, Yingst noticed black rocket fire emanating from a building only a few miles away.

“One of those rockets launched from the Gaza Strip slammed into a house behind me,” said Yingst, motioning towards black smoke billowing out from the building. “Some secondary explosions taking place; many things on fire, we can see debris on the road.”

Yingst also pointed out paramedics and firefighters running into the building to look for life.


“This is just one example of what is taking place in southern Israel,” he added.
