FNC Correspondent Uses CES Tech to Report from Haiti a Week Later

By kevin 

Fox News correspondent Adam Housley was out in Las Vegas covering the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month. A week later he was in Haiti, using the same technology he’d seen there to quickly turn around raw footage and reporting:

Housley wound up using a plug-in mike he found at the show to record better audio for reports shot on his iPhone. Then, a little more tech wizardry allowed Housley and his cameraman, Eric Barnes, to turn rescue footage shot by Congressman Kendrick Meek of Florida into broadcast news.

As for getting involved, Housley wants to stay out of the way. “The point is, the story isn’t about us,” he said. “Our job is to show it. We will never leave somebody hanging, but if we were to go out there all of a sudden with water in the back of our truck, passing it out every time we do a story, it would cause more of a problem than a help.


Related: Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on Haiti devastation (MarketWatch)
