FNC At 10: Ranks #11 Online

By Brian 

Roger Ailes takes some knocks in this WSJ piece (which is now free to non-subscribers). Here’s an interesting excerpt:

  Mr. Ailes has chafed at interference from other divisions. Last year, when Mr. Murdoch decided to invest heavily in Internet businesses, FoxNews.com was folded into a centralized ad-sales unit. Almost immediately, Mr. Ailes battled to get his division back. He complained that the unit’s profits were falling as the centralized division spent to hire more salespeople, even as ad sales rose.

“We had some disagreements,” Mr. Ailes says of his relations with the Internet division. Mr. Ailes says he and the head of the Internet division agreed to part ways during a meeting in December. Despite being associated with the leading cable-news network, FoxNews.com ranks as the 11th largest Internet news site, according to August figures from comScore Media Metrix.
