Fired CNN Producer Attacks CNN Through Dismissal-Causing Blog

By SteveK 

Fired CNN producer Chez Pazienza is firing back on his own blog and on Huffington Post. TVNewser first reported last week about the American Morning producer who was fired after his blogging was discovered.

In a lengthy blog post jointly published on Huffington Post and Pazienza’s personal blog last night, he details his entire experience at CNN and the circumstances which led to his firing.

Pazienza’s post touches on various aspects of his time at CNN. He describes newsroom meetings, corporate self-evaluations and the general mood at American Morning.


He also called out, by name, some of the big names of his network. “I watched qualified, passionate people worked nearly to death while mindless talking heads were coddled,” he wrote. “I listened to Lou Dobbs play the loud-mouthed fascist demagogue, Nancy Grace fake ratings-baiting indignation, and Glenn Beck essentially do nightly stand-up.”

One thing that is clear by the end of the post is that Pazienza doesn’t seem to be rushing back to television. “The mainstream media doesn’t believe that new media can embarrass them, hurt them or generally hold them accountable in any way, and they’ve never been more wrong,” he writes. “I’m suddenly in a position to do all three, and I know now that this is what I’ve been working toward the last few years of my career.”
