FBN, CNBC Get Press From Kozlowski Interviews

By Chris Ariens 

Following up on yesterday’s interviews with Dennis Kozlowski on the business channels.

From Reuters:

“I don’t think anybody set out to pay me the amount of money they paid me, in excess of $100 million a year,” Kozlowski told Fox’s Neil Cavuto. “I do not believe that anybody is worth that in business.”

…and from the Globe & Mail:


“These days, the former chief executive officer of Tyco International Ltd. earns $1 a day and spends his time teaching arithmetic to fellow inmates. ‘That’s been enjoyable, when you begin with a student and they’re having difficulties with math or division, and having that breakthrough, when they realize they can now multiply and divide and go on to word problems,’ Mr. Kozlowski told CNBC News in excerpts of an interview broadcast yesterday.”

• And after all the back and forth yesterday about who was first with the interview, FBN or CNBC? We’re reminded that CBS’s 60 Minutes really got the first interview with Kozlowski back in March.
