E.D. Hill’s “Full Mom Day & A Full Workday”

By Brian 

Sunday’s Fort Worth Star-Telegram talked to FNC’s E.D. Hill about balancing her career and a family of eight children. “I go to work very early, but I get home really early,” she said. “I can have a full mom day and a full workday.”

  So hosting a morning show makes the balance easier?

If I had my druthers, I would be in Iraq right now. I would be in the Sudan. I would be traveling the world and reporting on stuff. I would be in Saudi Arabia, trying to figure out what to do about our oil crisis. But it wouldn’t give me the chance to be the kind of mom I want to be.

I would love to be doing an evening program. It’s a little more serious, you can go in-depth more on issues. I love that, but that means I would see my kids at breakfast and that’s it. I would miss out on all those things.
