Drew Peterson Walks Off on Shep

By SteveK 

Shepard Smith interviewed Drew Peterson on Studio B today, and although it isn’t clear how long the interview was supposed to last, it’s pretty clear it ended quicker than expected. Smith began the interview asking Peterson about the radio show dating contest he was slated to participate in. As the interview shifted to how he and his family were dealing with the loss of Stacy Peterson, he warned Smith about not talking about the case.

Then, Smith brought up specific evidence, and the interview abruptly ended:

Smith: The neighbors said they saw you carrying a blue barrel.


Peterson: Again, that is not what we agree to talk about.

Smith: I did not agree to any restrictions on conversation. I would never do that. I just wonder…

Peterson: Then I guess I got to walk away. Have a good day, Mr. Shepard. It was nice talking to you.

Peterson removed his IFB earpiece and walked back to into his house as Smith recapped the case and what Peterson wouldn’t talk about.

Video coming as soon as it’s posted.

> Update: Foxnews.com has the video.
