CNN’s Klein: “It Could Be Two Years Before There’s Meaningful & Sustainable Growth”

By Brian 

In April, CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein said “about a year from now, we should be able to establish consistent ratings growth.” Then last week, he told Bloomberg that it may take 18 months before his changes pay off in the ratings.

Now, in this morning’s Philadelphia Inquirer, Klein says he has no timetable for CNN to overtake FNC, but “it could be two years before there’s meaningful and sustainable growth.”

> Also: Klein’s “first wave of big changes is over, and he says he has no plans to cancel any other shows,” according to Gail Shister.

> Plus: On the subject of Nancy Grace: “Her show is new. We don’t know yet whether Nancy is consonant with the CNN brand.”

> Update: 9:26am: An industry insider writes in: “Have you ever seen anyone talk out of both sides of his mouth to this extent — so now Klein is taking a victory lap for Grace doing a number? Which is it — distancing himself from the stench of Grace’s ways and saying he doesn’t run Headline News or taking credit when there’s actually something on a CNN property that does a rating? Must be nerve-wracking when Joel Cheatwood and his ratings are nipping at your heels.”
