CNN’s Jon Klein On Zahn, King & Strategy

By Brian 

Highlights from part two of Jon Friedman‘s chat with CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein:

> “When I told Klein I’d been hearing rumblings that Paula Zahn‘s CNN show might be in trouble, he replied: ‘I keep reading that, too.’ Then he stressed: ‘We’re happy with her.'”

> “On the future of ‘Larry King Live,’ Klein was clear that he didn’t favor having anyone succeed the ageless talk-show king. ‘Larry created that niche. I have a feeling it leaves with Larry.'”

> “Klein’s strategy hinges on four points: create momentum at the 10:00 p.m. news hour, gain market share in the morning, win on the weekends and re-assert dominance in the political coverage.”

Here’s the rest…
