“CNN Stuns U.S. With Actual News”

By Brian 

It’s day two of the “Your World Today” simulcast on CNN/U.S. Reactions to day one:

CJR Daily’s headline: “CNN Stuns U.S. With Actual News.” Highlights: “It speaks to the state of cable news that we sat in shock and awe for the better part of an hour, as anchors Zain Verjee and Jim Clancy did nothing more than deliver the news like it’s supposed to be done.” And: “Stunned by 15 straight minutes of actual news, we heard an equally incredulous CJR colleague in the background quip, ‘It’s weird to be watching news.’ And indeed it was.”

Sploid’s shift memo also took note of the CNN International logo: “The voices were intelligent, the news seemed to be serious, and the subjects were actually interesting…Asian trade, E.U. battle, Darfur horrors, correspondents who seemed to know the subjects and geography they covered…what was happening?”

What’s Happening At CNN and CNNFan.com have also posted a bunch of reactions…

> Update: 12:19pm: “Kinda of ironic that while CNN is simulcasting CNNi right now, Fox has a slow-speed LA car chase!,” an e-mailer says. Yes, but FNC will get higher ratings… Update 2: 12:28pm: Headline News is also airing the car chase…
