CNN Email on Castro

By Chris Ariens 

Newsbusters has obtained an internal memo about CNN’s coverage of Fidel Castro‘s resignation. The question: were CNN reporters asked to “sanitize” yesterday’s coverage. The email, excerpted below, comes from Allison Flexner. Newsbusters writes Flexner’s “current position is unknown but at one point was a CNN producer of Cuban reports.”

Please note Fidel did bring social reforms to Cuba — namely free education and universal health care, and racial integration. in addition to being criticized for oppressing human rights and freedom of speech.

Also the Cuban government blames a lot of Cuba’s economic problems on the US embargo, and while that has caused some difficulties, (far less so than the collapse of the Soviet Union) the bulk of Cuba’s economic problems are due to Cuba’s failed economic polices.

While despised by some, he is seen as a revolutionary hero, especially with leftist in Latin America, for standing up to the United States.

CNN spokesperson Christa Robinson confirms the email is from Flexner, telling TVNewser, “The exchange of ideas, thoughts and background between colleagues is all part of the journalistic process. We stand by our on-air and on-line coverage of this story.”


> Related: FishbowlNY has more on the story…
