“CNN Debunks False Report About Obama”

By Brian 

Yesterday, Barack Obama‘s spokesman called Fox News “appallingly irresponsible” for repeatedly broadcasting allegations that the senator attended a madrassa as a child.

“CNN did what any serious news organization is supposed to do in this kind of a situation. We actually conducted an exclusive firsthand investigation inside Indonesia to check out the school that Barack Obama attended as a little 6-year-old boy,” Wolf Blitzer said on yesterday’s Situation Room.

Senior international correspondent John Vause, reporting from Jakarta, showed that the school is not a madrassa.

CNN.com deserves credit for noting that the initial allegation (published by Insight magazine) was also referenced by Glenn Beck on CNN Headline News. “It’s interesting how CNN’s international reporters are now forced to correct the gossip that went out on… CNN Headline News,” an e-mailer says…
