Chuck Todd: MSNBC ‘At Night’ Has ‘Liberal Perspective,’ But Fox Is ‘More Campaign-y’

By Mark Joyella 

NBC’s Chuck Todd tried to draw a distinction between Fox News and MSNBC, suggesting both tilted politically in prime time, but played the news straight during the day. The difference, Todd said in an interview with Huff Post Live, is that Fox–due to the influence of Roger Ailes–is more

“I think it’s a little bit different because, look, I’ve always thought the Roger Ailes political past… because he actually worked as an operative, [Fox] always feels a little more campaign-y than what gets accused on the MSNBC side. I certainly think at night there’s certainly a liberal perspective [and] a conservative perspective. I think in the daytime both channels would argue that there’s a lot more straight forward reporting.”

