By Brian 

On Sunday’s Weekend Live, Brian Wilson read a letter from Gary in Tampa: “Fox News does a great job on weekends. Thanks for your fair and balanced coverage of news and events. Brian Williams is simply outstanding.” Oops! Brian’s reaction: “Gary — that’s Wilson. My name is Brian Wilson. You are confusing me with another anchorman who works for another network…one of those networks we used to call the big three. True story: I ran into Brian Williams this summer at the Democratic Convention — and he said that people keep calling him Brian Wilson. I feel your pain Brian. So here is a little help for you, the viewer: See that sorta beefy guy on the left? The guy with the Texas accent who works for Fox, that’s me, Brian Wilson. The thinner, well-dressed, rather urbane fellow with a nose that wanders a bit off dead center who works for the Peacock network…that’s Brian Williams. Please make a note of it.”

> Sometimes even FNC’s anchors make the mistake…
