Bush/Blair Presser: Notes

By Brian 

> Brit Hume‘s analysis on FNC: “The White House made quite an effort to get coverage for this event, staging it when they did, having it be an hour length, a full dressed news conference. One sensed that the reason was, in part at least, to bring out Tony Blair…”

> John Robertsreview on CNN: “I think it’s pretty obvious, Wolf, that having Tony Blair by his side tonight, doing this in prime time, where he would get a lot more eyes, he really is acknowledging that he needs to get out there; he needs to talk more about Iraq, to try to move those numbers up…”

> FNC went to a live edition of The O’Reilly Factor at 8:30 p.m. Paula Zahn and Wolf Blitzer recapped till 9 p.m. Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann did the same thing on MSNBC until Countdown started at 9…

> Counterprogramming: CNBC stuck with ‘On The Money’ during Bush/Blair…
