Briganti Gives Olbermann The Wish-Well

By Brian 

Perhaps the most revealing paragraph in today’s NYT piece about Keith Olbermann is this quote from Fox News spokeswoman Irena Briganti. In a long and carefully worded statement, the FNC vice president says:

“Because of his personal demons, Keith has imploded everywhere he’s worked,” Ms. Briganti said. “From lashing out at co-workers to personally attacking Bill O’Reilly and all things Fox, it’s obvious Keith is a train wreck waiting to happen. And like all train wrecks, people might tune in out of morbid curiosity, but they eventually tune out, as evidenced by Keith’s recent ratings decline. In the meantime, we hope he enjoys his paranoid view from the bottom of the ratings ladder and wish him well on his inevitable trip to oblivion.”

Whew. As an e-mailer put it, “that’s the PR equivalent of Zidane’s headbutt at the World Cup.”

> It’s not the first time Fox has used the “train wreck” term for Olbermann…
