Bridge Collapse: FNC’s Hometown Connections

By Chris Ariens 

FOX News Channel’s Gretchen Carlson and Lauren Green are Minnesota natives. This morning on FOX and Friends, they reflected on their homestate

Green: “It was very familiar to me and very familiar to, of course, everybody in that area as you go to the Metro Dome and downtown Minneapolis, as you go to the University of Minnesota, as you go to the state fairgrounds which is coming up very soon. As do you anything that involves downtown Minneapolis you must travel this span of highway. There is a romantic attachment to it as well because I remember very, very long ago my grandmother having to move from her home for them to build I-35 West.”

Carlson: “8 o’clock on the east coast, 7 o’clock in Minneapolis where you are looking at live pictures right now as daylight has broken here, some people may not have wished for this day to come thinking that this possibly was a nightmare last night, and unfortunately, the reality now setting in.”

