Bridge Collapse: Cable Net

By Chris Ariens 

The bridge collapse significantly altered the programming grid for the cable nets. Cable news’s #1 show, The O’Reilly Factor, was preempted on Fox, as was Larry King Live on CNN (the show was still branded LKL, but anchored by Wolf Blitzer). FNC tells TVNewser, Trace Gallagher will anchor live at 11pm ET, with Fox’s coverage continuing until 2am ET. Shepard Smith will be among the many network anchors descending on Minneapolis to report the story tomorrow.

>Update: CNN tells TVNewser Anderson Cooper will anchor coverage until 1am ET. The network will stay live through the overnight hours.

>And from emailers:
“I’m not a CNN fan (I’m a conservative) but I have to say that when it comes to breaking news, Anderson Cooper is the best on TV.”

“MSNBC has been excellent. It’s been a while since a late night breaking news story like this, but Keith Olbermann and Dan Abrams have shown they are truly fit for prime time.”

