At 7pm, CNN #3 In Demo Again Thurs.

By Brian 

Following up on the ratings post earlier today: The 7pm Situation Room lost to Hardball in the 25-54 demographic again on Thursday.

Wolf Blitzer averaged 578,000 viewers at 7pm, and only 129,000 in the demo. Chris Matthews averaged 547,000 viewers, and beat CNN in the demo, with 216,000. Shep Smith more than tripled the others, with 1,780,000 viewers and 427,000 in the demo…

> A tipster adds: “You also need to point out that at 4pm Thursday, CNN’S Situation Room beat both fox and msnbc in the key 25-54 demo. CNN: 164,000 FOX: 125,000 MSNBC: 74,000.” (Numbers updated at 7:31pm.)
