April #’s: Olbermann #2, Grace #3, Zahn #4 At 8pm In The 25-54 Demo

By Brian 

If you still need more evidence that CNN has a problem at 8 p.m., here it is. For the month of April, MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann was the #2 cable news program for the hour in the 25-54 demographic. Paula Zahn has lost 41 percent of her demo viewers compared to a year ago, while Olbermann is up 37 percent. Here are the numbers:

25-54 demo:

O’Reilly: 412,000 (-12%)

Olbermann: 169,000 (+37%)

Grace: 160,000 (+18%)

Zahn: 148,000 (-41%)
Total viewers:

O’Reilly: 2,102,000 (-4%)

Zahn: 605,000 (-20%)

Grace: 580,000 (+29%)

Olbermann: 452,000 (+28%)
