Ann Curry On The Bhutto Booking Battle

By Alissa Krinsky 

Ann Curry talked with TVWeek‘s Michele Greppi about last week’s race to be first with an interview of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Last Monday, CBS’ The Early Show aired a minutes-old Harry Smith phone conversation with the former P.M., shortly before NBC’s Today ran a sit-down Curry had taped with Bhutto the day before.

“I laughed a little,” Curry said, “because I thought, well, it shows that they (CBS) can see Bhutto is an important interview. Anytime that I can do work that makes people think about covering stories that they’re not already covering, I think that’s fantastic. There’s nothing like someone mirroring what you do. It is a compliment. So of course I was pleased by it. What is happening in Pakistan is important.”
