Analyzing Cooper’s 1st Day Of Ratings

By Brian 

Following up on yesterday’s post:

In today’s TV Column, Lisa de Moraes calls Anderson Cooper a loser: On Monday, “Cooper clocked 631,000 viewers. In October, Brown (with his replacement co-anchoring) logged 665,000 viewers. Now let’s look at the same night one year ago: CNN averaged virtually the same audience — 632,000 viewers — only with Brown’s show running one hour at 10 and a Lou Dobbs rerun at 11. Breaking them out, Brown averaged 781,000 viewers that night, the Dobbs rerun 482,000. For the sake of perfect clarity, this past Monday, the first hour of Cooper’s show averaged 758,000 viewers, the second hour 503,000 viewers. Welcome to prime time, Cooper.”

A CNN spokesperson says “the ratings after one day are not relevant to anyone,” but adds, “you should know that we are quite pleased with Anderson’s debut.”

Quoting the e-mail: “Anderson Cooper’s premiere last night anchoring from 10-12pm averaged more viewers than the show it replaced. AC360 was UP from last week in total viewers (631k vs. 624k). Compared to the same day last year, AC360 was UP 20% in P25-54 (230k vs. 192k) and was flat in total viewers.”
