Adding Up Cheney’s Media Interviews

By Brian 

Does Dick Cheney prefer right-leaning media outlets?

Based on an analysis of Cheney’s published interviews with news organizations since 2001, the answer is yes and no. Yes, he apparently enjoys talking to radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Tony Snow. (In fact, FNC re-aired highlights of Hannity’s Jan. 11 radio interview with the VP on H&C, but this is not included in FNC’s total for 2006.)

He has sat down for four interviews with both FNC and CNN, according to the speeches page. He has granted four interviews to NBC, three interviews to ABC, and two to CBS, mostly post-9/11. Here’s the chart:

VP Cheney’s media appearances:

FNC2 1 11
CNN 21 1 
MSNBC 11   
CNBC1 1   
NBC    22
ABC 1  11
CBS    11

> Update: 10:28am: “Imus interviewed him in January 2005. That should be added to the tally.”

> Update: 10:30am: “In your Cheney tally, you forgot Gloria Borger’s CNBC (Capital Report) interview with the Veep in 2004. The one where he contradicts himself.”

