ABC News President Kim Godwin Earns United Negro College Fund Leadership Award

By A.J. Katz 

Profile picture of ABC News' Kim Godwin

Thursday evening, ABC News president Kim Godwin was honored by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) with their Leadership Award. The event was held at Cipriani 42nd Street, Nightline co-anchor Byron Pitts served as emcee, and GMA co-host Michael Strahan presented her the award via video.

Some of Godwin’s remarks, below:

Over 37 years, I’ve worked for 10 stations in nine cities….I’ve worked for all three national networks. Again, incredibly blessed. As a woman – and as a black woman, it has not been easy.


But– For every person who did not see me….there was a person who did. To everyone here tonight – be the person, be the leader, who sees those who feel invisible. For every person who denied me an opportunity – there was a person who gave me one. Everyone here tonight, please be the person who gives opportunities.

There are many people in this room who really know me …. And they know I’ve always connected career with community …not seeking awards or accolades but working hard to be an example of what is possible…because people held doors open for me, I will hold open doors. Because people gave me a chance, I will give others a chance. And because people invested in me, I will invest in others.

I was that little girl from an HBCU – who dared to dream of being a network news president?? Oh right – Kim Godwin you’re not dreaming. I stand proudly as proof that dreams can and do come true.

Thank you!
