9/11/06: More Notes & Links

By Brian 

> CNN’s Gary Tuchman landed the “first and only interview” with Genelle Guzman-McMillan, the last person pulled out from the towers. It airs tonight on 360…

> “Are we going to die in this truck?:” Johnny Dollar’s Place has video of Rick Leventhal recalling his experiences on 9/11…

> Eat the Press is watching CNN Pipeline: “It is, in many senses, like opening a time capsule and being brought back to a world you can’t imagine you once lived in…”

> Jon Scott on FNC this morning: “We are overlooking Ground Zero on a beautiful bright blue sky morning that looks a lot like the sky did on Sept. 11, 2001…”

> Quoting Jim Bell‘s memo to Today staffers this afternoon: “Everyone here should take a moment and feel great pride in this morning’s 6-hour telecast… Many things stood out today: from the beautiful show open, to our location at Ground Zero, the great guests & bookings, the personal & emotional stories, the graphics and on and on…it was really powerful…”

> Geraldo At Large correspondent Laura Ingle blogs about the voice mail on her answering machine five years ago: “You are going to New York. Don’t call me back, there’s no time. Get in your car and get to the airport… NOW…”
