9/11/06: Brown Critiques Bush Admin.

By Brian 

Former CNN anchor Aaron Brown hasn’t seen United 93, World Trade Center, or the tapes of his 9/11 coverage: “It’s too soon.”

Gail Shister says “Brown isn’t exactly itching to work. Why should he be? He’s collecting an estimated $2 million salary for not working until his CNN contract expires June 30.” But he wishes he had a platform to talk about the upcoming 9/11 anniversary.

“There are a lot of questions I’d like to ask,” Brown says. “Have we honestly done the things we should have done in the post-9/11 era? The administration tried to sell 9/11 as a bumper sticker — ‘They hate us for our freedom.’ That’s ridiculous. They hate us for very specific policies. Some should change, some shouldn’t. We need to understand that, and we don’t want to challenge ourselves to really understand anything.”
