100+ Squawkers Complain To CNBC

By Brian 

On the Squawk Blog, more than 100 CNBC viewers have filed complaints about the network’s new graphics. Some of the highlights:

> “Generally I am against the death penalty, but would be willing to make an exception for the designer of this monstrosity.”

> “Don’t you people realize that not very many 16 year olds watch your program? Or is this your hidden agenda to attact that vast video game audience with the silly graphics and even more annoying sounds?”

> “If CNBC were a stock, Cramer would issue a triple sell!!!”

But the best response of all, in the form of “Dear Santa,” is after the jump…

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is for you to give CNBC:

1. A HEART – to listen to all of these comments by the loyal viewers, nearly 100% of which are negative regarding the ‘new and improved’ morning programming.

2. A BRAIN – to recognize that the ‘most sophisticated and affluent’ audience they enjoy touting is impressed by informative and meaningful programming, not NFL-on-FOX-type graphics and sounds.

3. COURAGE – to admit their mistakes…and to fix them. Their viewers will likely tease them about their colossal failure for a while, but will respect them in the long run.

